Friday, 20 September 2013

Facebook, The Virtual Diary

Facebook, The Virtual Diary (Wk. 6)

Facebook is fast becoming one of the world’s most popular public diary, through the use of status updates. As McNeill said: ‘What’s in a Name: Blogs and Diaries’. While McNeil focuses on whether or not society should be reading the virtual diary of another, humanity remains infinitely curious about what others think, usually for ego-related reasons. We chronicle the actions of our everyday lives and even go as far as to post photos of what we are having for dinner. We want people to know how we are feeling and this leads to the notion that Facebook is just one big diary that is there for the whole world to read, depending on your security settings.
I myself, quite often use Facebook to chronicle my achievements, some of the things I do and yes, sometimes I even post about what I am eating. I know people on Facebook, who spend more time sharing their feelings online than with other people.

McNeill, L. (2011). Diary 2.0?: A genre moves from page to screen, in Rowe, C. & Wyss, E. L. (Eds.) Language and new media: Linguistic, cultural, and technological evolutions (pp. 313-325). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton.
Wilkinson, R. (2013). Week 6 Lecture.

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