Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Blog 3: Cleverly 'Placed'

"Space becomes place when humans impose meaning on it" (Van Luyn, 2013).

Dr Van Luyn explains that meaning is imposed through the narrative techniques of using language and metaphors to construct and perceive a sense of place, (20013).

Language is cleverly used by Google+ to create a virtual place with a familiarity to that of our own real social networks. "Naming is power- the creative power to call something into being, to render the invisible visible, to impart a certain character to things" (Tuan, 1991, p 688). Terminology such as communities, hangouts, circles and streams, not only evoke a sense of place, but are emotive and suggests the social nature of this virtual setting. This is supported with the use of metaphors, particularly symbols.

Not only is Circles the name of a feature in Google+ that lets you categorise relationships and share specific information with specific people, but the symbol itself is widely used through the network. Many of the icons and badges are circular or derivatives of circles. The circle symbol meaning is far reaching and profound, but some keywords associated with circles are unity, inclusion, infinity and wholeness. Universally and traditionally the use of circles invites communality and acceptance.
Google- Circles represent sharing
Native American Circles represent a oneness with the world

Aboriginal Circles represent a meeting place

With the use of the above mentioned techniques, Google+ has initiated place-making, setting the tone of the virtual environment.  We, as users, further contribute by participating and sharing. This individualises our narrative, and gives a  space our own sense of place.

Reference List

Ncsornatureofreligionandbelief. (n.d.) Aboriginal Art. Retrieved from:

Plus (n.d.) Google+ Circles. [image]. Retrieved from: http://www.

Robinson, G (2011). Circle of Life. [image].Retrieved from:

Tuan, Y. (1991). Language and the making of place: A narrative-descriptive approach.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol 81 (4). pp. 684-696

Van Luyn, A.(Producer)  (2013). BA1002 Our space: networks, narratives, and the making of place. [Podcast]. Retrieved from (2013) Circle Symbol Meaning. Retrieved from:


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